Based on Quantum physic discovery...
''Our body is Energy & our Body Respond to Bio-Electrical Frequencies.''.
''if you want to understand the mystery of the universe you have to think in Frequency, Energy and Vibration'. ' Nicolas Tesla
Re-Treat yourself with Frequency
Quantum computerise Technology
for your Health & Wellbeing
Quantum Biofeedback & Bio-Resonance Scio works with
micro electric currents that communicate with your cells . Everything on our planet as humans, animals, plants are made of atoms that use energy that operate at a certain frequency. Everything ; our blood ,organs, tissues, emotions , thoughts have their unique electro magnetic field also pathogens, virus or bacterias .All things have frequencies including you. You always want to be healthy, active and balance. The Quantum Scio use specific frequency to specific area of our body. Doctor Nelson had study thousand of frequency signatures and the result of this decades of research is now available to you to help you to be healthy again and improve your energies level. This revolutionary technology allows you to Measuring Analysing and Correcting -Check your Health Energetically. -Correct the unbalanced area of your body, organs or emotions. -Reduce Pain and Stress to give you better Health. -Coaching you to find healthy balance in your life - Get Digital Nutrition and supplements |